In this issue
FOSI AGM 2020 Update
Upcoming state elections Oodgeroo – 31 October 2020
Toondah Harbour Development
Ministerial letter from the Hon Kate Jones MP
The Gompholobiums Walking Group
Naree Budjong Djara National Park
A note from BEIPA
Support FOSI
FOSI AGM 2020 Update
Thank you to our members who attended our AGM on Stradbroke Island on the 23 August. In keeping with the overall theme of 2020, this year’s AGM was rather different to previous years. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, attendance was the committee and a small number of members (only ten people were allowed to attend meetings at the time of the AGM under COVID-19 restrictions). In lieu of a guest speaker, at this AGM the committee discussed key issues to support and mapped out the plan for the next year.
There was also a changing of the guard, with the roles of new committee being finalised. Mary Barram passed over the role of president to Dick Copeman and sadly Angela McLeod retired from her role of secretary and Julia Marler took on that role.
We thank Angela for all her amazing work and will miss her as a member of the committee. We also thank Mary for all her hard work as president and are very pleased that she has agreed to continue in an active role on the committee.
The FOSI Committee for 2020 is:
• Dick Copeman – President
• Michael Kennedy – Deputy President
• Julia Marler – Secretary
• Mary Barram – Treasurer
• Susan Hill and Sophie Mor – members
Upcoming state elections Oodgeroo – 31 October 2020
With the state election not far away members might like to explore individual candidates policies for the Electorate of Oodgeroo which takes in North Stradbroke Island, Birkdale, Wellington Point, Ormiston and Cleveland
(see map below).
There are four candidates:
• the sitting member- the Hon Mark Robinson LNP:
• the Labor candidate Irene Henley:
• the Informed Medical Options Party: Kirstyn Marriott
• and one independent candidate Claire Richardson:
As you know FOSI opposes the Toondah Harbour development. Of the four candidates two are in favour of development – the Hon Mark Robinson & Irene Henley. The views of Kirstyn Marriott are unknown but Claire Richardson is opposed.
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Map of electorate |
Toondah Harbour Development
With the state election looming, now is the time to let your representatives know what you think about this proposed development.
If you don’t want this proposal to go ahead, add your name and address to this letter
Toondah Harbour FOSI Members Letter 2020
(please copy and paste the letter into a new Word document before adding your details) and send it to your state member of parliament.
You can find the name and address of your MP here:
This outrageous proposal to build 3,600 high rise apartments, a hotel, a convention centre and a marina, covering an area of 67ha, including 49.5ha of tidal wetlands, in Moreton Bay, is at a critical stage.
The development currently has the support of both major political parties in QLD, and of the Redlands City Council. However, community opposition is strong in the bayside area and Claire Richardson, who almost unseated the Redlands Mayor, Karen Williams, at the recent local government elections, is running as in independent candidate for the seat of Oodgeroo, which covers Cleveland and North Stradbroke Island, at the state election. She is opposed to the Toondah development.
Ministerial letter from the Hon Kate Jones MP
On the 9 September 2020 Clerk of the Parliament, Neil Laurie received a response from the Hon Kate Jones MP regarding Petition 3271-20: Toondah Harbour Priority Development Area (PDA).
You can read her response here:
(search: 3271-20)
The Gompholobiums Walking Group
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Flying Duck Orchid (Caleana major) |
These beautiful ground orchids were seen along the track on a recent walk up Bipo Penbeam, one of the higher points on Minjerribah, with the Gompholobiums walking group up Bipo Penbeam, one of the higher points on Minjerribah. The below photo shows work underway on a viewing platform on the peak, which is being constructed by the QYAC rangers as part of their development of a walking track.
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Blue Sun Orchid (Thelymitra pauciflora) |
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Construction of viewing platform |
The Gompholobiums do a bushwalk each Friday morning in the cooler months. Their walks program is finishing now for this year but if you wish to be on their email list for next year, contact Glynn Carmichael and Linda Jenkinson, the group coordinators. Their email addresses are and
Naree Budjong Djara National Park
FOSI’s comments on the Draft Management Plan for the national park that was released mid-year included our concerns about the impacts of Recreational Off-Road Vehicles (ORVs) on the beaches and sand tracks on the island, plus concerns about the island’s biodiversity, weeds and feral animals, water extraction from the island’s aquifers and climate change.
Our recommendations included:
1. Aim, within a short time frame, to stop recreational ORV driving on all beaches and to restrict it on non-beach sand tracks. Until this occurs, act to minimise damage from ORVs and beach camping and progressively implement a series of strategies, including:
* Limit the number of permits for beach access and beach camping for recreational ORVs.
* Establish and enforce low speed limits on beaches (30km/hr) and sand tracks (15km/hr).
2. Greater focus on protection of both migratory and resident shorebirds.
3. Aim to eradicate foxes, wild dogs and feral cats from the island.
4. Better monitoring and limitation of water extraction from the aquifers.
Read the full FOSI submission here: FOSI Submission
Look at the draft plan here Draft plan
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The Draft Management Plan |
A note from BEIPA
On Monday 28 September we received the following update from our sister organisation on Bribie Island, BEIPA:
Dear BIEPA Members, Friends and Affiliates.
As you are aware, BIEPA has been campaigning for the health of Bribie Island’s Ocean Beach to be protected from unrestricted and uncontrolled 4×4 beach driving for recreation.
Studies demonstrate that 4×4 beach driving sterilises the LIVING BEACH.
4x4s are heavy vehicles. They compact and destroy the beach ecology and interdependent beach ecosystems on which a myriad of resident and migratory birds, marine and terrestrial fauna and flora depend for survival.
Bribie Island’s coastline is ostensibly protected under the UN Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species (turtles and migratory birds); the UN Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (of international importance); Marine Park and National Park status.
Queensland is the only State that allows unrestricted and uncontrolled 4×4 beach driving in National Park.
from your BIEPA Management Committee
FOSI is working to finalise a report on the impact of off-road vehicles on our beaches and dunes. In the interim, members may be interested to read information around this topic on the BIEPA website:
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Gympie Times article |
Donations support FOSI’s work
Friends of Stradbroke Island relies on the generosity of our members to fund our work. All donations made to the Environment Fund are tax deductible.
It is easy and secure to make a donation by bank transfer (BSB 124029, Acct 21645410).
Your donation will help fund our ongoing public information and education campaigns and support relevant scientific research affecting North Stradbroke Island on issues such as environmental damage caused by land clearing, sand mining, hydrological changes, plastic and feral animals.