Stradbroke gardens
In this edition we have seen the difference 10 years of bush care can make and some weeds to watch out for. Below is some advice as to suitable trees, ground cover and shrubs to plant in your Stradbroke garden.
Suitable native trees
- Lophestemon confertus (box tree) – canopy tree for big gardens or pruning
- Banksia integrifolia – (coastal banksia) – attracts birds
- Banksia aemula or serrata (wallum banksia) – attracts birds
- Elaeocarpus reticulatus (blue berry ash)
- Pandanus pedunculatus (pandanus/ screw palm)
- Cupaniopsis anacardioides (tuckeroo)
Suitable ground cover
- Carpobrotus rossii (Pig face)
- Lomandra longifolia
- Dianella caerula (edible purple fruit)
- Jasminum didymum – yellow flowers
- Hibbertia scandens (yellow snake vine)
- Myoporum acuminatum
- Viola banksii (native violet)
Suitable shrubs
- Banksia robur (swamp banskia)
- Banksia oblongifolia (dwarf banksia)
- Melaleuca thymiIfolia (thyme honey myrtle) or nodosa (prickly leaved paperbark)
- Melaleuca pachyphyllus (red flowering swamp bottlebrush)
- Leptospermum polygolofolium (yellow tea tree)
- Austromyrtus dulcis (midyim, white edible berries)