About Us
FOSI's beginnings
In 1988, FOSI was formed to oppose inappropriate development at Cylinder Beach and members have been involved in efforts to preserve Cylinder Beach’s outstanding scenic coastal landscapes ever since.
The late Jani Haenke essentially founded Friends of Stradbroke Island in 1988, after the threatened construction of a concrete high-rise at Cylinder Beach on the site of Clayton’s cottages. Jani organised and funded the initial court case and after losses then successes the proposal was defeated.
Over the years Jani’s determination for FOSI to dispute other developments on this site led to further objections, court proceedings and negotiations with developers until the acceptably low-impact buildings we see now were completed. We can thank Jani that Cylinder is still unspoilt and bears such a contrast to other major beaches in South-East Queensland. These battles set a precedent for the limited tone of development that we have experienced at Point Lookout.
Jani, as secretary then vice-president, kept FOSI alive and active for many years. She interested people with suitable skills in joining the group and imbued them with her true conservationist principles.